Momentum unveils 2020 live event broadcast experience

Momentum unveils 2020 live event broadcast experience

Momentum Media has furthered its commitment to supporting its communities in 2020 by announcing dates for a number of its major national awards, to be delivered as live broadcasts this financial year powered by the THE BALLROOM – a new tech innovation developed by Momentum Media.

Lawyers Weekly 30 under 30 - live event

Three of these confirmed events include the Lawyers Weekly 30 Under 30 on Friday 29 May, the Australian Accounting Awards on Friday 19 June and the REB Awards Thursday 25 June, with the wider program to be announced over the coming days.

These awards programs will be delivered via an Australian-first innovation called THE BALLROOM, an immersive live broadcast experience that will connect finalists live on air to receive their awards. 

Participants and viewers will also be able to connect with each other via video and chat during the broadcast via THE BALLROOM, hosting their own closed interactive parties or 'tables' while watching the awards, and entering others' ballrooms or the central networking ballroom open to all.

According to Alex Whitlock, director of Momentum Media, the time for recognition has never been greater and continuity of Momentum's awards programs, irrespective of COVID-19 restrictions, essential.

“These are challenging times and there are a great many people who are doing it tough right now. For those that lead their field, it’s never been more important than now to be acknowledged for the work they have done over the past year.

“These professionals and organisations may not choose to trumpet their achievements when times are hard, but it will certainly be of huge value when business and communities begin to emerge."

Momentum has conceptualised THE BALLROOM experience to deliver its suite of award events as live broadcasts, which has resonated with both partners and participants.

“We’re moving at pace to stage new interactive experiences and our commercial team have been quick off the blocks in working with sponsors for what is a very exciting proposition,” Whitlock said.

“By delivering our award programs we are not only offering some normality to the markets we support, this is also an exciting new way for communities to stay in touch and for stakeholders to connect.

“While the catalyst for the evolution to our award programs has been driven by necessity, the outcome is a huge step forward – bigger events to a wider audience irrespective of geographic location.

“Excellence can now be recognised across Australia without boundaries. A live immersive broadcast is also going to deliver a refreshing change to how business awards have been done over the last few decades.

“The experience is going to be relaxed, authentic, and maybe a little raw, but still deliver genuine engagement for our participants within the environment they choose – whether with family at home or friends and colleagues connecting online via our new awards tech.

“What a great chance to get the team together, have some fun and engage… while also social distancing.”

Live broadcast business awards are just a part of the Momentum event proposition for 2020, with a range of business events to also be delivered via a broadcast format, including a new Masterclass for mortgages to be held in May.

“The opportunity is to lead with a new breed of events, awards, masterclasses as well as training and education via our digital platforms.

“This will represent a new proposition for sponsors to engage and interact with their target market, keep connected, generate business and position themselves to thrive in a post COVID-19 world,” he said.